Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Perth march numbers shown as wild lies on video

The nat march in Perth Sep 7 was 3160. The lyingly claimed 20K would have stretched a great distance through the Letham housing estate where they started. The 3160 stretched for hardly a block.

A blow for the more defensively aggressive + closed minded flavour of nats in that region, than in the big central cities, who were awaiting the little march's arrival at North Inch park.

Amazing Perth Video Reveals March Lies As the subscript explains, the march was spread out by big gaps in it. To that I can add: it strted in 2 separated clumps. One beside the sports field, the other 2 minutes down the street.

The National has run an up-itself headline complaining that BBC news did nof report it. There are many things BBC news does not report, while it often reports praising itself: any thinking person should realise it has its own selective worldview like all news media have, and should look at several sources. The same as you would not trust the National on its own. But in this case, there is a reasonable point about newsworthiness that is getting made on the National's Facebook page. It has long since ceased to be newsworthy that largely the same 3K folks bus around and hold repetitive marches in different towns every few weeks of the year's warmer half, then lie that they were many times bigger than they were.

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