AND VOTERS WERE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IT WAS LABOUR that had become affected by a racism associated with the Nazi period ??
- This is sourced from the Conservative manifesto -
My evil head teacher, at our breach in 1985: "Any society requires enforceable rules, even in mundane matters such as traffic control, laws are necessary. If a school is to function then it too has to have rules. Opinions may vary as to the type of rules required, but none the less rules there must be !
One Gypsy mother, who wished to remain anonymous due to the possibility of violent retaliation: “I will become a criminal everywhere I go. I would be a criminal staying on a friend’s farmyard, even if I was invited to visit. At motorway services. In a layby. Popping into the supermarket,” she said. “There is no minimum time frame mentioned. From the minute I apply the handbrake, and before I stop the engine, I will be illegal.”
The proposed laws would allow police to seize the homes of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller people by force and to destroy their property without compensation. The proposal also says Travellers can be banned from the local authority area for up to a year, cutting off access to support for homelessness, which often requires someone to have been a resident in the area for a length of time, leaving many in fear of having to live on the streets.