Worried by the outcome of Corbyn's meeting with all the opposition leaders.
Putting off a vote of confidence increases daily the odds of finding Johnson able to time an election for after Brexit is done. Legislating for yet another humiliating request for an extension! another! risks fed-up EU not agreeing to it. They are sounding lacking of plan of what another extension would be for.
If the Corbynites won't back a majority supported leader for a new govt for fear of it finishing Corbyn's leadership, and the Lib Dems would rather risk letting No-Deal happen than back Corbyn, and this even scuppers the much-expected move for a vote of confidence: then the opposition is divided and ruled and No-Deal happens.
The independence parties can sit in the middle of the row, outside the blame for it, and happy to see it keep the Union precarious. Corbyn + Swinson + their followers muat know that, + ths whole public know they must know that !