Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Marchmont and Morningside

This National story, on "Yes surveys" by local groups in hope of getting through to undecideds and "mibbes" - comes from the experience of a local group in a No-voting and affluent part of Edinburgh - from Yes Marchmont and Morningside, Of interest because they also have a guy claiming expertise in international law, who was on their Meadows Festival stall.

So as well as doing the surveys they can put in writing anything that voters need put in writing. Specifically, that guy can get Yes to issue in writing in Scottish govt's name, what he told me only in unrecorded speech at the Meadows Festival. That our treaty obligations in Europe, to Council of Europe not just EU, will guarantee that citizenship by parental descent will be unrefusable. That the strand of nats who are racist against that, who were the dominant voice in ref1, won't get their way.

History is full of states breaking treaties: I can't take his word that any treaty will enforce it. Can only be sure you will observe it when as an internal action within Scotland you directly write it into our proposed state's red line human rights standards. According to him you have to. But can he put your pen where his mouth is? That is my survey question back to Yes Marchmont and Morningside.